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Page ID: 17056

Updated: September 20, 2016


OUR FUTURE SESSIONS : A Meeting for the disaster documentation project will be held on February 4, 2014

- A workshop to collect together the records from the earthquake concerning foreigners -
OUR FUTURE SESSIONS: creating the future of multicultural disaster prevention

日本語版はこちら→Japanese Version

*Please note that this workshop will be held as a part of a project of Sendai City and any information including photos taken at the event will be used for the publication of the disaster documentation calculary by Sendai city.

Session image

Both Japanese and foreigners are members of the same regional society.
Aiming for multicultural disaster prevention where we can all help one another, we’ll think about how we can shape the future.

In Sendai there are people of various cultures from numerous countries living side by side.
What can we do for each other? What needs to be done and what should we share?
Let’s think and talk about regional disaster prevention from a multicultural point of view together!

Main focus

This meeting is held for an earthquake disaster documentation for the foreign people who live in Sendai City. In order to create an at home environment we would like to exchange opinions with foreigners who have experienced the disaster in 2011 and the future of Sendai City. Our main goal is to hear the voice of the foreign citizens living in Sendai City. We would like to invite foreigners who are living in Sendai City to attend this meeting. Your voice and opinion will be appreciated.

Purpose of the workshop:

  1. Learn about the disaster management and actions of Sendai City
    -The disaster management by Sendai City
    -What actions are needed in communities of Sendai City
    -What actions are needed by the Japanese people in Sendai City
  2. Discussion about cultural differences
    Exchange opinions regarding the cultural differences and understand the differences of Japanese people and foreign people in Sendai City
  3. Discussion of what we can do for each other as citizens of Sendai City
    In order to understand the importance of the disaster and exchange opinions to create a environment for foreign people to participate in disaster drills held in local areas of Sendai City.

To Apply

Fill in the form attacched and FAX it or send an Email with your name, age and contact information.
Contact Info:Mitsumasa Goto:FAX 022-263-7731, Email<goto*sodosha.co.jp>(Please replace「*」with「@」), Mobilephone 080-5570-6639

Event Information

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