ホーム > くらしの情報 > 学ぶ・楽しむ・活動する > 教育 > 仙台市教育委員会トップページ > 各種申請・手続き > 入学や転校等に関する申請(School procedures for children of foreign nationalities) > Enrollment Procedures for Sendai Municipal Elementary/Junior High Schools (仙台市立小・中学校への就学手続き)
If you would like to have your child(who is not of Japanese nationality)enroll in a
municipal school in Sendai,further application procedures must be made in advance at the School Affairs Section of the Sendai City Board of Education.
The school your child attends(a designated school)will be determined by your address.
However,you may change schools if you fall under the criteria to be considered eligible.
Children’s school grade is determined by their date of birth.
Please fill out the necessary fields on the application form and bring the items listed below to the following location to apply.
Scholarship Coordination Subsection,School Affairs Section
Address:Sendai City Hall,Kamisugi Building 11F,Kamisugi 1-5-12,Aoba-ku,Sendai
Passport and Residence Card(guardian’s and child’s)
1.Guardian carries out application procedures
2.A consultation is held involving a child,guardian(s),and a teacher
※The child’s level of Japanese and current situation is assessed through this consultation,and their starting date at school is set accordingly.
3.The child begins school
Staff confirm information such as the name and date of birth of the guardian and child on an application form.
Educational Information for Foreign National Students and Those Returning to Japan
User Guide for Sendai City Children’s Clubs
Sendai Tourism,Convention and International Association(SenTIA)(外部サイトへリンク)
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