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Notice of Sendai City Adjustment Benefit for Flat-amount Tax cut Payment

What is the benefit for?

In order to cushion the impact of rising prices of commodities and services, a flat-amount tax cut will be administered to reduce taxation amount of income tax and individual residential tax for FY 2024.
Those whose tax amount is too insignificant for the deduction to be applicable can receive the balance of the deduction as a benefit instead.


Who is eligible to receive the benefit?

The city has sent out the “Notice of Benefit Payment” or “Payment Confirmation Form” to eligible persons on July 16, 2024.


How much is the payment amount?

Individuals will receive the amount stated in the document sent by the City.


What do I need to do to receive the benefit?

1. Those who receive the “Notice of Benefit Payment”

  • There is no need to complete any procedure.
  • The payment will be deposited on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 to the individual’s bank account stated in the notice.
  • Those who would like to change the registered bank account or to not receive the payment, please call 0120-065-222 by Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

The “Notice of benefit payment” is mailed in a pink envelope as shown in the following image.

Notice of Benefit Payment(PDF:377KB)

2. Those who receive the “Payment Confirmation Form”

  • Pleas fill in the necessary information on the form you received (A form with “For submission” written on it).
  • Please mail back a copy of any identification document and a copy of your bankbook along with the confirmation form to the City of Sendai.
  • Please apply by Thursday, October 31, 2024.


The “Payment Confirmation Form” is mailed in a purple envelope as shown in the following image.

Notice of Payment Conirmation Form(PDF:378KB)


Where can I ask questions?

If you have any questions about this benefit, please call the following number, 

  • Designated Hotline for the Sendai City Adjustment Benefit for Flat-amount Tax cut Payment
  • Phone number
  • Reception hours
    9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays
    9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. including Saturday, Sunday and national holidays until September 15, 2024 (toll free)
  • Languages available
    Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Nepali


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