Page ID: 63116

Updated: September 8, 2022


September 2022

Tax Notices

For Those Who Have Trouble Paying Inhabitant Tax On Time

Information regarding inhabitant tax payment extension is available in Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Nepali.

Japanese( External link )English( External link )Chinese( External link )Korean( External link )
Vietnamese( External link )Nepali( External link )

Precautions for disposing of waste to prevent the spread of COVID-19

To prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections, please be cautious when putting out household waste.
Information on how to prevent the spread of diseases when putting out waste is available in Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Nepali.

Japanese( External link )English( External link )Chinese( External link )Korean( External link )Vietnamese( External link )Nepali( External link )

Have you applied for the Temporary Special Benefit for Inhabitant Tax Exempt Households and Other Households Yet? 

Information regarding the Temporary Special Benefit for Inhabitant Tax Exempt Households and Other Households is available in easy Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Nepali.

Easy Japanese( External link )English( External link )Chinese( External link )Korean( External link )Vietnamese( External link )Nepali( External link )

New National Health Insurance Cards to be Sent out

The City of Sendai will be sending out new National Health Insurance cards, addressed to the head of household, by the end of September via registered mail.
If you are not home when your insurance card is delivered, the post office will hold onto your mail for a short period of time. If you are unable to collect your package from the post office within the storage period, please contact one of the following offices so that we can send it to you again.
Inquiries: National Health Insurance and Pension Section of Ward Offices and Miyagi General Branch, Public Health and Welfare Section of Akiu General Branch

Notice Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination

Information regarding COVID-19 vaccination is available in Japanese, easy Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Nepali.

JapaneseEasy JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanVietnameseNepali

Currently Accepting Applications for Municipal Housing
―Applications Open Until September 16 ―

For this application period, a point system that assigns points to applicants based on their degree of financial hardship, housing status, the percentage of household income spent on rent, and other factors will be used to determine housing priorities. Applicants with the highest points will be given first priority.

  • "Application Guides for Sendai City Municipal Housing" will be available from September 6 (Tue) at the following locations:
    Application Section of the Sendai City Construction Public Corporation (Sendai City Hall Kokubuncho Building 2nd Floor)
    Shimin-no-Heya (Sendai City Hall 1st Floor)
    Information Desks of each Ward Office
    Miyagi and Akiu General Branches
  • How to apply: Choose one municipal housing unit from the chart, fill out the application form attached to the Application Guide and mail the form in using the provided envelope by September 16 (Fri).
  • Selection of residents (point system): During the application process, applicants will be asked to submit a self-declared financial hardship survey. The data of the survey will then be translated into a series of numbers known as Housing Necessity Points. Afterwards, a score will be assigned to each application, which will be used to determine housing priorities. Some of the deciding factors include:
    ・ Current living condition (determined based on the number of household members, the size of living space, lack of essential facilities [e.g. bathrooms].)
    ・ The percentage of household income that is being spent on rent
    ・Households with single parent and/or persons with disabilities
    ・Risk of eviction 
    ・ Previous records of being unsuccessful in obtaining a municipal housing unit, etc.
    Applicants with the highest score (i.e. most in need for housing) will be prioritized. For more information about the point system, please refer to the Application Guide.
  • Earliest move in date: January 25 (Wed.), 2023 (tentative)
  • Eligibility: Individuals who fulfill all of the following requirements
  1. Those who are facing difficulties in their current housing situation.
  2. Those with relatives whom they are currently living together with or are planning to move in together with.
  3. Those who reside or work in Sendai City.
    There are other conditions such as that one’s income must be lower than a certain amount, etc. For more details, please see the Application Guide.

Although applications from individuals whose residences are in areas under evacuation orders after the 2011 nuclear disaster, evacuees who resided in areas eligible for support based on the Children and Victims Support Act, and victims of domestic violence and crimes are also accepted, application requirements may differ. Please inquire for further details.

Inquiries: Application Section of Sendai City Construction Public Corporation
TEL: 022-214-3604

Notice of Japanese Class

Japanese lessons organized by Japanese volunteers for foreign residents living in Sendai city.

・Sendai Japanese Language Course (Term 2)

  • Term Period: October 12 - March 10, 2023 (There will be a placement test to determine class levels on October 7 (Fri.), starting at 10:00 a.m. for beginners, and at 11:30 a.m. for intermediate and above.)
  • Class Day: Every Tue. - Fri. (differs according to class)
  • Location: Aoba-ku Chuo Shimin Center (2-1-4 Ichibancho, Aoba-ku)
  • Classes: Beginner, Intermediate, Advance, Kanji, etc.
  • Textbook costs to be covered by the student
  • For more information and applications forms, please check SenTIA’s website( External link )

Information in regards to the Japanese Language Course can be viewed in other languages on SenTIA’s website. Please share it with your acquaintance who might be interested.
Inquiries: SenTIA TEL: 022-268-6260

There are also other Japanese classes that are available in Sendai City.
If you would like to learn more about such opportunities and wish to inquire in a foreign language, please call the Sendai Multicultural Center Interpretation Support Hotline.
TEL: 022-224-1919




